PURE SPORTS NUTRITION Low Carb Electrolyte Hydration


Quick Overview

PURE Electrolyte Hydration Low Carb is a premium natural electrolyte drink specifically formulated for those wanting a low carbohydrate alternative to a standard sports drink.

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Product Description

PURE Electrolyte Hydration Low Carb is designed to replenish electrolytes during hot conditions, sports and exercise. Contains real raspberry or lemon juice and a coconut water base. It contains no added sugars, colours or preservatives and is dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan-friendly and keto-friendly.

PURE Electrolyte Hydration Low Carb is based on the principles of our PURE Electrolyte Hydration and formulated on a premium coconut water base, naturally high in electrolytes and low in carbohydrates. The coconut water base combined with real fruit juice to give a smooth taste profile that is refreshing and easy to consume.

Please see the label as the different flavours vary. Coconut water base.

Add 1 scoop (included) of powder for every 500ml of water and mix well
500ml – 750ml per hour during exercise or when electrolytes are needed
Consume within 12 hours of mixing

Free from gluten, dairy, preservatives and colour. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Additional information


Lemon 160 grams, Raspberry 160 grams


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