SRW Skl1 Skeleton System Mobility


Quick Overview

Sooths joints in as little as 24 hours

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Product Description

SCIENCE RESEARCH WELLNESS Skl1 Mobility supports active and aging joints for everyday activities requiring movement, strength, stability, and flexibility.

Skl1 contains a unique and synergistic combination of NEM® and 5-LOXIN® which provide all the building blocks to support your body’s natural healing ability and the maintenance of healthy joints.

Use Skl1 to supplement your exercise regime, soothe joints, or as part of your long-term healthy aging strategy.

Soothes joints in as little as 24 hours
Supports the maintenance of normal cartilage and ligaments
Supports the body’s natural healing ability
Supports normal mobility and flexibility for healthy joints

How it works
Joints form part of your Skeletal System and are the areas where two bones come together, acing as pivot points for movement. They allow for skeletal movement and are cushioned by cartilage, synovial fluid and membranes which prevent the bones from rubbing together and wearing away.

Despite the presence of this natural cushioning, many people experience joint discomfort as a result of aging or injury. This happens when the cartilage or even bones experience wear and tear from use. This process of wear and tear can also be accelerated in individuals such as athletes who use their joints more than usual or exert more force on them than the general population.

Skl1 provides your body with raw materials such as glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid, collagen and proteins. These components are used in the body to support the preservation and production of connective tissues for healthy joint function.

Use Skl1 Mobility to soothe joints, supplement your exercise regime or as part of your long-term healthy aging plan, at any age.

INGREDIENTS (Per 2 capsule dose)
NEM brand eggshell membrane 500MG
5-LOXIN boswellia serrata extract 100mg

ADULTS 2 Capsules daily, or as directed by your healthcare provider

Contains egg. For use in adults only. Please see packaging for full product details

Additional information


60 capsules


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